SURF 2013 Projects & Papers

 Student Name Project TitleStudent Major
 A. Spiewak

 A Life Cycle Approach to Chemistry Laboratories at the University of New Haven

Paper | Poster

 Forensic Science & Chemistry
 K. Cargill

The Identification of Controlled Substances by TLC-SERS 

Paper | Poster

 Biology & Forensic Science
 S. Alpizar

 Investigation of Metal Ions as Polymerase Chain Reaction Inhibitors in Indoor Carpet Backing Samples for Forensic DNA Analysis

Paper | Poster

Biology (Pre-Med) & Forensic Science
 T. Cowan

 Development of a Modular Multi-Task ROV for Marine Biology Education

Paper | Poster

Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
 M. Mierzejewski

 Proposal for Investigating the Antimicrobial Properties of Propolis, Royal Jelly and Honey Against Bacteria of Clinical Significance and Comparing Their Effectiveness to that of Common Antibiotics

Biology (Pre-Med) & Forensic Science
 M. Dorrico

An Investigation on Plastic Pollution in New Haven Harbor

Marine Biology
 S. Li

 Total Laboratory Synthesis of Cadioloides

Biology (Pre-Med)
 L. Kircher

 The Effects of High Tidal Distribution on the Circatidal Behavior of Atlantic Fiddler Crab

Marine Biology
 C. Ruiz / M. Ciarletto

 The Feeling of Sound: A Study of the Interaction Between Audio and Haptic Technology

Paper | Poster

 Computer Engineering
 K. Fowble

Bullet Comparison and Identification Through Castings

Paper | Poster

 Forensic Science & Chemistry
 S. Gurr

Assessment of High Marsh Occupation by Populations of the Fiddler Crab Uca pugnax Across Salt Marsh System on the CT Shore

Marine Biology
 D. Perry

 Climate Change and Its Effect on the Reproduction of the Salt Marsh Snail Melampus bidenatatus

Paper | Poster

Marine Biology
 C. Kling

 The Effect of Novel Antimicrobials on Borellia burgdorferi

 J. Pinder

 Capability Testing of the University of New Haven uPrint® Rapid Prototyping Machine (3-D Printer)

System Engineering
 J. M. Kubala

Amplification of Homochirality in Prebiotic Chemical Systems: Computation Models of Thermal Cycling

 Forensic Science
 J. Norstog

 The Metabolic Costs of Osmoregulation in a Curyhaline Fish

Paper | Poster

Marine Biology & Mathematics
 R. Willick

University of New Haven Building Energy Benchmarking Campus Buildings

System Engineering
 J. Zielinski

 University of New Haven On-Campus Waste Programs Research, Assessment, and Engagement

Paper | Poster

System Engineering
 W. Putnam

Expanding the Overall Efficiency of Tomorrow’s Data Centers Through Processor Optimization

Computer Science
J. Imperato

Detection of Mutations in the PAH, NF-1, and BRCA1 Genes

Biology (Pre-Med) & Forensic Science
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