Wellness 360
As an institution, we value the overall health and wellness of all members of our campus community. Research shows that having a Workplace Wellness program for employees provides multiple benefits including building upon the human need for connection and community. The Wellness 360 program for Employees was created to provide tips, resources, and programming that is designed to offer guidance and support in a variety of health and wellness areas while fostering a culture of value and pride in our community. For more information, please contact Wellness360@newhaven.edu.
National Giving Month
December is widely recognized as National Giving Month or it is sometimes called the Month of Giving. Due to holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, many people associate December with giving thus making it a natural time to highlight charitable giving. Along with the traditional gift-giving amongst friends and loved ones, the theme encourages people to consider the many opportunities for charitable giving during the holiday season.
Donating to charitable causes, especially during the holiday season, can have a great impact on one’s local community. Donations can come in many forms including physical gifts, monetary gifts, or the gift of time through volunteering.
For this month’s special events, we are highlighting several opportunities for charitable donations here on our campus and in the surrounding campus community. Please see the list of events and opportunities below and consider a donation if you are able.
Give the gift of Warmth (sponsored by the Campus Career Closet and OGISL) – now through Dec. 6
Do you have any new or gently used winter coats or accessories lying around that you don’t wear anymore? You can donate them to members of our own campus community! They are being collected for University students in need.
Donations can be dropped off at the following locations: Orange Campus, OGISL, Center for Student Engagement Leadership & Orientation (CSELO), One Care Lane, Dental Hygiene building, Echlin Hall on the first and second floors, and Bartels Hall, the Campus Center.
Adopt A Family Gift Wrapping Event (sponsored by the ORL) – Dec. 9 @ the German Club from 10-4
The Office of Residential Life’s annual Adopt-A-Family event is here, and they need your help with donations and/or gift wrapping! All unwrapped gifts can be dropped off at the German Club on Monday, Dec. 9, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Gift wrapping will also take place that day, and all are welcome to volunteer to help out!
Give the gift of Time – Late Night Breakfast for students (sponsored by CSELO) – Dec. 9 @ Marketplace 8-10pm
As the end of the semester approaches, the Center for Student Engagement, Leadership and Orientation (CSELO) and University Dining will be hosting our annual Late-Night Breakfast event. This is a traditional event for students to enjoy a free breakfast served by their favorite faculty and staff members! This is a great way for them to relax and unwind before the start of finals week.
Late Night Breakfast is an amazing opportunity to foster a sense of community and belonging, making students feel valued and celebrated by their faculty and staff. The deadline to sign-up as a volunteer is Thursday, December 5th. Contact cselo@newhaven.edu for more information.
Toys for Tots drive (sponsored by the Military and Veteran Affairs Office) – now through Dec. 10
The Military and Veteran Affairs Office is collecting new, unwrapped toys and monetary donations for the annual Toys for Tots drive put on by the United States Marine Corps. If you’re taking advantage of the shopping deals after the Thanksgiving holiday, we hope you’ll consider picking something up for the collection!
The drop-off locations on campus are in the main atrium of the Beckerman Recreation Center and in the Veterans Lounge in Sheffield Hall.
United Way Day of Caring lunch – Friday, December 13 @ Alumni Lounge
Details TBD… Look for an email coming soon…
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Did you know that a ChargerREC membership is only $12 per month? Please click here for more information or email ChargerREC@newhaven.edu for membership inquiries. | Visit the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) page to connect with a counselor or for additional resources. |
Advice on how to enjoy a healthy holiday season
Whether traveling, attending festivities, or enjoying time with family and friends, the Center for Disease Control has some tips to be mindful of during the holidays.
Mental wellness during the holiday season
People often have high expectations of the perfect holiday and build an image in their mind of what the holidays should be. But it doesn’t always work out that way. Mindful.org has provided a 12-minute guided audio meditation practice to help defuse holiday stress.
Financial wellness during the holiday season
Deloitte, a globally recognized leader in financial advisory services, anticipates that Americans will spend 8% more this holiday than they did last year with the estimated average spending amount forecasted at $1,778. To prepare, Equifax.com has provided a short article, including a 5-tips for holiday spending video, called Five Ways to Prepare Your Finances for the Holidays.
Volunteering during the holiday season
Volunteering can be viewed as a form of both social and mental wellness. While it is great to volunteer year-round, it can make a special difference in your community during the holiday season. See these links to local organizations for volunteering opportunities:
Campus Walking Routes
NOTE: As you consider participating in the Walk This Way program or other University Wellness Initiatives, please remember it is always best to consult your physician prior to beginning any exercise program. We want everyone to have a safe, positive, and beneficial experience. Physical exercise carries an inherent risk including , but not limited to, muscle strains, sprains, the risk of falling, and other potential issues.
West Haven Campus Walking:
0.75 Mile Loop | 1.0 Mile Loop | 1.25 Mile Loop
Orange Campus Walking:
Tips and Resources
Some ideas or suggestions to improve your social wellness….
- Volunteer – being active in your community can not only improve your social wellness but also contribute to societal wellness.
- Join a club – gathering with other people with similar interests can make the connection easier and more long-lasting.
- Become a mentor – sharing one’s experience with others can provide a meaningful connection for you and another person.
When building healthy relationships, remember to…
- Listen without judgement or blame, be caring and empathetic.
- Share honestly.
- Disagree respectfully. Look for ways to compromise finding a way to an agreement that works for all parties.
- Set boundaries.
Recurring Programs
Free Class @ ChargerREC – Yoga, Thursday, December 5th from 4:30-5:30pm
Bring your University ID to the Rec Center any time before class to set up a FREE Class Pass profile for our monthly Faculty Staff class. Space is limited, we recommend arriving 10 minutes before class. Questions? Email chargerREC@newhaven.edu
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training: December 6, 10am-12noon
Visit the CAPS website for more details and to register.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training: no training dates offered in December
Visit the CAPS website for more details and to register.
Walk this Way – see link below for preset routes or make one of your own!
Step away from your desk, give your eyes a break from your computer, and get some fresh air by joining campus colleagues for a walk around campus. Sample campus walking routes of various distances can be found via this link on the interactive campus map.
POWER-ON movement break
Utilize a brief YouTube video (or two) to provide a mini movement session right at your desk to combat office fatigue and re-energize your day! No equipment needed. Click on the video links below:
5 Minute Refresh (5 minutes standing)
5 Minute Posture Refresh (5 minutes seated)
Workday Full Body Stretch (6 minutes seated and standing)