Division of Humanities and Social Sciences

Courses in global studies, history, political science, and philosophy offer students an understanding of the social, political, and cultural forces that have shaped the contemporary world. Increasingly, citizens of a global society need to gain expertise in the rich array of courses offered in this division, from an understanding of international relations and the analysis of historical events to the discussion of the role of women in modern society.

The Division offers B.A. degrees in global studies, history, and political science, and minors in history, political science, and philosophy. It is also home to the Modern Languages Department, which offers elementary and intermediate-level courses in Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. Division faculty have organized intersession and summer study abroad programs in China, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Russia. This Division also contributes many of the courses to the major in global studies, reflecting the University’s commitment to develop interdisciplinary ties within the social sciences.






Koren Ballerini

Administrative Secretary, Div of Humanities and Social Sciences

(203) 932-7208


Maxcy Hall 112A

Brett McCormick

Chair: Division of Humanities and Social Sciences,

(203) 479-4988


46 Ruden St, 206

Halima Belemlih

Coordinator: Modern Languages

(203) 479-4575


Maxcy Hall 316

Thomas Reynolds

Practitioner in Residence



Contact Us

Maxcy Hall 116a

Department Chair:
Brett McCormick

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