Dean's Message

On behalf of everyone in the University of New Haven community, let me welcome you to the College of Arts and Sciences  website. I am so proud to be part of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of New Haven. Our faculty and staff are committed to working with each student to provide a first-rate learning experience. Our programs and majors include not only classroom instruction but also a strong emphasis on experiential learning. This includes learning in a faculty member’s lab, working with faculty in the field, studying abroad, and doing student internships, and course projects that focus on real problems and issues.

Our arts programs offer our students career training blended with a solid theoretical foundation. For example, our music programs, including sound recording and music industry, which have been rated among the top 50 college programs by Rolling Stone magazine, provide students with career-oriented hands-on training in courses that take place in our state-of-the art recording studios along with courses that teach students fundamental music theory. We take a similar approach with excellent programs in both interior design and graphic design, where students engage in real-life activities with professionals in the region while also getting a strong education in the theory and fundamentals of their discipline.

Students work with faculty on research along the shores of Long Island in marine biology or on environmental issues at home and abroad. Other students are engaged in laboratory research in biology and psychology. Our health programs in dietetics, nutrition, and dental hygiene focus on improving individual health and wellness. Dental hygiene students are actively engaged in service learning and have been traveling abroad to provide dental care in other countries and underserved communities in Connecticut. Our major in Global Studies concentrates on the increasing importance of globalization across all disciplines. There is language instruction in six languages at the University, including Chinese, Russian, and Arabic.

Aspiring writers and poets will be well served by the first rate faculty in the English department, which offers both writing and literature programs. And students drawn to law or politics may be interested in majoring in political science or history and working with the faculty who have fascinating experience examining and addressing societal problems as scholars and leaders.

Our graduate offerings include one of the most well regarded terminal Master’s in Industrial-Organizational Psychology programs in the region. This program has a strong emphasis on preparing students for careers in human resource management, organizational development and management consulting. We also offer very well regarded graduate programs in Nutrition, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Environmental Science and Community Psychology.

Thank you for your interest in the many opportunities at University of New Haven in the College of Arts and Sciences. I hope that your college experience not only prepares you for a meaningful career but helps you discover and follow your passions.


Lourdes Alvarez
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

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