
Contacting the Accessibility Resources Center is a student’s first step to receiving reasonable accommodations and accessing services that may be needed to provide the individual with the opportunity to be successful as a student with a disability, a student with a chronic health related issue, or a student in need of veterans accommodations when returning to or attending college for the first time. The services of this office are at no charge to students, and can be accessed upon determination of eligibility as a qualified student.

The staff works with students who self-identify in the following categories:

  • Mobility/orthopedic disabilities
  • Specific learning disabilities
  • Attention deficit disorders
  • Vision and hearing disorders
  • Head injuries
  • Psychological/emotional disorders
  • Chronic health-related conditions
  • Speech impairments
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Military Service-Related Disorders

The Center handles all matters regarding any student with a disability, from coordinating classroom accommodations to handling complaints regarding non-compliance and/or alleged discrimination. The staff acts as advocates/liaisons and provides guidance, assistance, information and referrals whenever needed. Services include the following:

  • Coordinating classroom accommodations such as extended time for exams/quizzes, use of computer, and/or use of calculator among others.
  • Coordinating modified housing and/or dining requests.
  • Assistance with course registration.
  • Securing auxiliary aids such as sign language interpreters, readers, scribes, notetakers, e-text books.
  • Arranging for physical access to classrooms and other campus facilities.
  • Exam/quiz proctoring (includes all English post-tests and Writing Proficiency Exams for students requiring reasonable accommodations not available in the classroom environment).
  • Access to Learning Assistants.
  • Alternate Format Textbooks.

The Director also assists the university’s ADA/504 Compliance Officer with oversight of the university’s compliance with Section 504 of the H.E.W. Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other governmental regulations, and is the individual with whom students must file complaints regarding discrimination. (See the University Grievance Policy for Students with Disabilities for details.)

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