Key Concepts

Funding Source

Budget – provided by the University’s operating funds, budget funds are only available on a year to year basis and do not rollover if unused.

Gift – provided from an outside entity and can only be used for the purpose designated by the donor, all unused funds roll over from one fiscal year to the next

Internally Designated – provided by other sources such as grant indirect costs, revenue share agreements, other unrestricted cash receipts that the University internally designates, all unused funds roll over from one fiscal year to the next

Grant – provided by a granting agency such as the federal or state government or private institution, funds can only be used for purposes designated and approved by the grant and the granting agency

Endowment – provided by an outside entity and permanently restricted, the only funds available to spend is the interest earned on the Endowment 

Pooled Budget vs. Line Item Budget

Pooled budgets are a total department budget that is posted to one expense line in the General Ledger, account 700000.  This account line is not available for posting actual expenses, it is only used to post the department’s total budget allocation.  Actual expenses are to be coded to the account line that most closely matches the purchase.  Each account line will show a negative available balance, the department’s total budget availability is the total amount at the bottom of the report.

Line item budgets are allocated to individual account lines as provided by the department financial manager.  Actual expenses are to be coded to the account line that most closely matches the purchase even if there is not a budget allocated to that account line.  Although individual account lines show an available balance, the department’s total budget availability is the total amount at the bottom of the report.

Types of Transactions posted:

Invoices – document number begins with “I”, ex. I0067123, these are expenses incurred that are paid directly to a vendor

P-card transactions – document number begins with “PC” ex. PC000123, these are expenses incurred that are paid using a University p-card

Journal entries – document number begins with “J” ex. JE0001234 or J000567, these are expenses incurred, transfers between departments or adjustments posted

Feeds from Payroll or Student – document number begins with “F” ex. F004321, these are transactions posted that originate in either the Banner Payroll module or the Banner Student module

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