Letter Requests
UIS issues various kinds of letters to students on F-1 and J-1 visas for various reasons. Below are the kinds of letters UIS can provide and the purposes for which the letters can be used.
1. Full-Time Status Letter: A letter that confirms full-time student status can be used for various purposes including but not limited to:
- driver’s license applications
- state ID applications,
- social security applications,
- opening bank accounts,
- getting a cellphone,
- travel,
- SACM requirements for Saudi students
3. Invitation Letter: Students who wish to invite family members to visit or attend commencement ceremonies, may request a letter for their family members to request a temporary visitor’s visa from the U.S. Consulate nearest them. Parents may be included in one letter, but other relatives may need individual visa appointments and thus separate letters. Limit of 5 letters per student. You must upload copies of your family members’ passports.
Full-time Status Letter Request
Invitation Letter Request
If after reviewing this information, you still have questions, submit your inquiry to UIS via the General Inquiry Form. UIS will answer inquiries in the order they are received.