Math Zone

STEM MAJORS: Are you interested in accelerated math options? Watch this video to learn more: VIDEO: ACCELERATED MATH GUIDE

ACCELERATED MATH INFORMATION: 1. Accelerated Math Syllabus Addendum, 2. Accelerated Pacing Guide

What is Math Zone?

Watch this video to find out: What is Math Zone?

Math Zone is a part of the Department of Math & Physics. It is located in North Hall, directly adjacent to Echlin Hall.

Math Zone is an innovation in learning mathematics, providing a student-centered educational experience. In addition to the guidance provided by dedicated faculty, student mastery is supplemented by a learning platform that provides ample opportunity for students to demonstrate mastery of topics.

The goal is student success. The faculty will provide students with active lectures and lab support through guided practice and assistance with navigating their learning. They will monitor students’ progress and guide them in the mathematics learning process.

Tutors are available to work one-on-one with students to help them master the details of mathematical problem solving, with the aim of bringing each student to a level of performance in math that allows them to master more advanced math classes.

In short, Math Zone really embodies an “it takes a village” philosophy. Although you will meet your instructor for at least 115 minutes per week, the lab is open for you for 50 hours per week. With a staff of 10 instructors and 10 tutors, on average, so you are destined to find someone whose style of explanation matches your needs.

What Math class can I take?

Courses and Brief Descriptions

Math course flowchart

Click here to find out.

MATH POST PLACEMENT: Wondering about your Math Post Placement Exam results? Check your Degree Audit. Note that the post-placement exam is not the same as the math placement exam.

The Math Zone uses a mentored and adaptive learning environment for teaching.

  • Mentored means that in addition to your instructor’s guidance, you have tutors assisting you with learning. You can ask questions, and get help.

There is no shame in making mistakes, so there should be no shame in asking for help.

  • Adaptive means that you can advance at your own pace as long as you advance. You also have opportunities to attempt higher scores through re-testing.

Students benefit the most when they become directly engaged in their own learning. In addition to the 3 hours of seat time, students should spend an additional 6 hours studying per week. We are here to help. Your instructors and advisors may follow up with you to keep you on track. This is a united effort.

Benefits of Math Zone

1. Save time

  • Complete more than one course in a single semester
  • Or begin a second course and complete it the following term

2. Save money

  • Ebooks included
  • Finish two math courses in one semester

3. Mastery-focused progress

  • Assignments promote long-term retention

4. Student-centered and adaptive instruction

  • Students can create personalized practice tests to prepare for exams and relieve test anxiety
  • Instructors and tutors are student-focused and ready to help!

Keys to Success

1. Practice, practice, practice!

  • In addition to approximately 3 hours of actual seat time, prepare to spend another 6 hours per week using the learning software and reviewing your notes on your own time.

2. Utilize any and all of the following

  • Online textbook
  • Videos
  • Practice examples
  • Tutor and send to instructor buttons

3. Come for tutoring at the Math Zone

Students who are assigned to the Math Zone are enrolled in one of the aforementioned courses. You will be provided detailed instructions on how to access your Math Zone course

For MATH 1107 & 1108 we use ( and for MATH 1110 & 1115, we use My Open Math ( Access is provided via Canvas.

This is not an online class. Testing and some of your weekly studying must be done in the Math Zone.

Even though this is not an online class, you can access your course to study on your own any place that you have an Internet connection. This means:

  • If you need help with the math or the lesson, don’t wait. Ask.

  • If the computers or technology are causing a problem, let us know now, not tomorrow or the next time the problem comes up

Tutoring Appointment Button

Located in North Hall 106 and on Zoom

Spring 2023 Hours (valid 1/17 – 5/2)

In-Person Tutoring and via Zoom

9:00 AM – 4:30 PM


9:00 AM – 5:30 PM


9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Thursday9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Friday9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
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