SURF Application Materials and Forms

Getting Started
SURF 2023

Program Announcement

A 10-week research experience is planned for the 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program. The David McHale Fund and the Carrubba Endowment will support a limited number of SURF 2023 faculty-mentored research projects that may be conducted in virtual, hybrid, or on-campus formats. To support fellows, SURF provides a virtual learning community for sharing expertise and research as well as required synchronous virtual seminars.

Undergraduate students from all years (with the exception of seniors graduating before December 2023) are eligible to apply. Projects from all disciplines, including interdisciplinary projects are encouraged.

The SURF 2023 summer program will extend from May 30 through August 4. Attendance is required at virtual synchronous 3-day seminars scheduled during the opening and closing weeks of the summer program. Opening seminars are scheduled for May 30, May 31, and June 1, with closing seminars scheduled on August 1, 2, & 3, 2023).

Students will not be required to be on-campus during the ten-week summer program. However, students who need to be on-campus to conduct lab projects may apply for housing for the period of their on-campus lab work. Students should plan on conducting pre and post lab work virtually.

The program is highly competitive; a limited number of projects will be funded. 

Students are encouraged to contact potential mentors and begin preparing proposals as soon as possible. Applications must be submitted through the online application form; applications are due on March 20, 2023 at noon .

For questions, please email the SURF Team at

About SURF

Program Information: Please click here for the SURF 2023 Program Information slides.

The SURF program is open to all undergraduates from all majors.  Graduating seniors are not eligible.

Interdisciplinary projects and virtual projects are encouraged.

Projects will not be eligible simultaneously for honors theses or senior projects or other academic credit.  However, students may continue the research initiated under SURF in preparation for Honors theses and similar coursework, subject to the relevant policy. Students must be in good academic and conduct standing as of the review period.

Projects involving human subjects or vertebrate animals must be approved by the appropriate university committee (IRB or IACUC) prior to any research being conducted. Applications should be submitted to the appropriate university committee by the designated deadline (TBA) to allow time for processing before the summer research program begins.

All SURF participants must complete the CITI Responsible Conduct in Research Training prior to the start of the summer program. Information will be provided.

Students conducting lab projects must complete lab safety training prior to beginning research. Lab training will be coordinated by assigned science lab managers.

How to Identify a Faculty Mentor

Students may ask any faculty member in their own or another major to serve as a faculty mentor. Students may access the faculty mentor list to seek advice or identify potential mentors and research projects in the mentors’ areas of expertise. Students may also initiate their own projects by contacting faculty mentors. Co-mentored and interdisciplinary projects are encouraged. Students may also wish to speak with department chairs, network with previous SURF recipients about their experiences, and/or contact SURF ( to discuss potential projects.

Start early!  Your mentor can help you explore options for research projects as well as assist in developing the application proposal. Click the links below for descriptions of past projects and a list of faculty mentors. The list of faculty mentors is provided  as a place to start to assist you in identifying a potential mentor. Students may ask any faculty member whether or not the faculty member is on the list.

Past Projects

Faculty Mentor List


A Note to Faculty Mentors. If you would like to update your information on the Faculty Mentor List or if you would like to be added to the list, please download this Faculty Mentor List Form, complete the requested information and return the form to

Although the student and faculty member(s) co-submit their proposal, the student should take responsibility for writing the proposal, under the guidance of the mentor. Faculty/student co-submission ensures faculty oversight and commitment if the proposal is accepted. In co-mentored projects, two students work with one faculty member. Faculty members may team with student majors from colleges other than their own and students may have co-mentors.

The proposals are reviewed and scored by a committee coordinated by the SURF Team. Faculty scholars from each college, as well as university administrative staff, are involved in the scoring process. 


The SURF 2023 application deadline for students and faculty mentors is March 20, no later than noon.

⇒ APPLY HERE: SURF 2023 Application 
Please note that since your application progress cannot be saved in the form, please have everything you need prior to starting it. The easiest process is to have your responses prepared in a Word document and paste them into the application form.

Application Criteria: Please click here for the SURF 2023 Application Criteria

This information below is provided for your planning.

Cover Page
Your contact info, project title, GPA, major(s), faculty mentor, estimated graduation date. 

A signed SURF Mentor-Student Agreement Form   
→ Click here for the Mentor Student Agreement Form.

Student Qualifications (5%) [maximum of 300 words]
Prepare a statement about your background, interests, prior research and skills (e.g., research methods courses, lab training) and other experiences that will contribute to the successful completion of the project.  Include what you expect to learn, such as skills you will need to acquire to conduct your SURF research project.
Required: A 1-2 page resume/bio/CV as an attachment.

Current State of the Field (Lit Review) (20%) [maximum of 750 words, including references]
In this section, make a strong case for the significance of your study. Describe the current knowledge and research findings. Explain how your study will build upon and/or extend the existing knowledge base. This is an important section that should provide sufficient background for reviewers who may or may not be familiar with your topic. Cite references (in-text), as appropriate, and include the full citations only for sources cited in-text.

Research Question/Hypotheses (20%)  [maximum of 500 words]
What is the overarching goal or purpose of your study? What research question(s) do you propose to investigate?  What is your hypothesis (if applicable) and what do you expect to find?  What are the expected outcomes (e.g., What will your project contribute to the field or discipline?)

Research Design and Methodologies (25%) [maximum of 600 words]
Describe the research design and why that design is appropriate for the research questions and/or topic you are investigating. Describe how you will collect and analyze data. If applicable to your project, describe how you will test your hypothesis or prototype. If applicable, describe any instruments (e.g., surveys or interview protocols) you plan to develop and identify any existing data sets you plan to use.

Timeline (10%) [Please provide a bulleted list or table.]
Please provide a timeline of all tasks and activities that will be conducted. Include what will be done during the 10-week summer program. Be sure to plan for weekly meetings with your mentor, research activities, virtual seminar and orientation events (June 1 – 4) and virtual presentations and seminars during the last week of the program (August 2 – 6). Include any pre-program required tasks such as IRB/IACUC applications, lab safety training,  and ordering initial supplies, as applicable. .

Impact on Student Success (5%)  [maximum 200 words]
Describe how your participation in the SURF program will contribute to your personal and/or academic success. That is, how do you expect to use what you learned in future coursework, graduate school, and/or careers?

Budget (5%) [Please use the template provided here: Budget Template]
Please provide an itemized budget (maximum allowance = $1,200).  Include only items essential to conducting the research. Justifications must be included.  Budget requests may include supplies, small equipment, reference materials, and software.  Non-consumable items (e.g., software, equipment, print resources) become the property of the University at the conclusion of the project. Applicants requesting lab supplies or other research supplies should check with lab managers and mentors to determine if the supplies are already available or can be borrowed. Research the costs of supplies. Be sure to include shipping charges.
Required: An itemized budget on the budget template provided. (Note: This form is for application purposes only. If selected for SURF, researchers are required to submit a department-specific order form to the Lab Manager in their department.)

             Budget notes from Lab Managers to keep in mind for those accepted into the SURF program:
             • Orders cannot be placed until SURF funding allocations are finalized and available to lab managers.
             • The time it takes for the Lab Manager ordering process: submitting orders for approval, clearing approvals, orders being placed by Purchasing, shipping, and delivery can easily be 2 weeks (without backorders).
             • Researchers will need to fill out a department order form that includes additional information which is different from the SURF budget form.
             • Fisher Scientific ( is the University’s preferred vendor for lab supplies that offers discounted pricing.
             • WB Mason is the University’s preferred vendor for office supplies that offers discounted pricing.
             • Due to supply chain issues, many items have a LONG lead time and some department items are backordered for months.
             • Since supply chain issues, supply pricing is an all-time high.

2023 Housing Request Form [Please submit this form to request on-campus housing. This option is available only to students who must be on-campus to conduct research in an on-campus lab., for the duration of the lab research only.]

Faculty Mentor Statement/Mentoring Plan (10%)
Your faculty mentor will complete the faculty statement in a separate online application.
Faculty Mentors: Faculty mentors receive an e-mail when their student have submitted their online applications. 

IMPORTANT: Please read the 2023 SURF Awards, Requirements and Responsibilities.
                                  ***Click on the link below  to read and review the 2023  requirements.***

                        ⇒ SURF 2023 Student Responsibilities