SURF 2015 Projects & Papers


Project Title


Jason An

Investigating the Binding Interactions between Inhibitors and Ubiquitin C-terminal Hydrolases for Parkinson Disease Research
Poster | Paper

Dequan Xiao

Elvia Baca

Computer-aided numerical modeling for a structure on the Moon
Poster | Paper

Byungik Chang

Andrew Belanger 

A Simple Flow Cell System for Evaluating the Stability of non-Fouling Medical Coatings

Kagya Amoako

Brittany Carver

An Observation of the Exoproducts in Media of Uropathogenic E. coli
Poster | Paper

Donna  Rhoads-Frost

Brian Cherrington

Building and Validating a Rotational Viscometer
Poster | Paper

Maria-Isabel Carnasciali

Brandon Cruz

The effect of heavy metal exposure on Parhyale hawaiensis

Melanie Eldridge

Chengde Cui

Steady-State and Dynamic Study of PV Systems University of New Haven: Towards to a Green and Secure Campus 
Poster | Paper

Junhui Zhao

Jessica Damon

Fabrication of Photo-Deformable Polymer Nanosphere Using Bicompatible Molecules 
Poster | Paper

Dequan Xiao

Kayla Delano

Analysis of ulvoid blooms in New Haven Harbor using molecular tools 

Amy Carlile & 
Jean-Paul Simjouw

Daniel Delgado

Can linear motors revolutionize electric trains operating on the Northeast Corridor? 
Poster | Paper

Nikodem  Poplawski

Antonio Di Vita

A More Efficient Vertical Axis Wind Turbine 

Maria-Isabel Carnasciali & Nikodem Poplawski

Lauren Ebersol

Investigation on ethanol-mediated inhibition of transferrin sialyltransferase 
Poster | Paper

Robert Powers

Ema Graham

Effects of Different Types of Water on the Degradation Rate of Human DNA in Bone and Tissue 
Poster | Paper

Michael Adamowicz

Robert Granoth Jr. 

How Online Socialization Moderates Polarization’s Effect on Political Reasoning
Poster | Paper

Chris Haynes

Kylie Henderson

The Auditory Evaluation of Chemical Spectra and its Application in Exploring an Alternative User Interface 

Eddie Luzik

Mark Herde

Extracting Water and Energy from the Air: A Quantitative Study 
Poster | Paper

Jon Aktas

Ashlee Junier

Alzheimer’s Disease – Detection of Mutations psen2 Gene 
Poster | Paper

Charles Vigue

Jenni Kantor

The Effect of Solvent on Lithium Halogen Exchange and Preparation of Ketone

Eddie Luzik

Kyla Kelly

Quantification of the Filtering Activities of Hard Clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) 

Amy Carlile

Phylicia Kidd

Detection of estrogenic compounds in the Quinnipiac River 

Melanie Eldridge

Amina Kunovac

Morphological Classification of Dorsal Fins and its Application to Forensic Science 
Poster| Paper

R. Christopher O’Brien

Dylan Landry

Development of a Graphene-based DNA Hybridization Sensor

Saion Sinha

Nathan Lanning

Dynamics of Ulvoid Blooms in New Haven Harbor 

Jean-Paul Simjouw
Amy Carlile

Jongsung Lee

Feasibility of Solar Power Systems Installation on the University of New Haven Buildings
Poster | Paper

Byungik Chang

Stephen Longbook

Increasing the Rate of Ethyl Alcohol Production 

Donna Rhoads-Frost

Manette Macias

Gmic-SAFT Equation of State Development for Aqueous Nonionic Suractant Systems 
Poster | Paper

Art Gow

Krystopher Maingrette

Estrogenic Compounds in the West River 

Jean-Paul Simjouw

Gaitlyn Malone

Effects of Habitat Size and Temperature on Success and Growth of Larval Horeshoe Crabs (Limulus polyphemus)  

Carmela Cuomo

Sarah Markland

Investigating Simultaneous Extraction of RNA and DNA from Forensically Relevant Body Fluids 
Poster | Paper

Claire Glynn

Anthony Mastromarino

Development of a Graphene-based DNA Hybridization Sensor
Poster | Paper

Saion Sinha

Teresa Navarro

Prejudice Within a Microcosm: Tackling Key Sociological Questions by Transcribing The Young Idea
Poster | Paper

Mary Isbell

Christopher Ong

Airfoil Design at Low Reynolds Number 
Poster | Paper

Maria-Isabel Carnasciali

Charles Peterson

Was our Universe Created by a black hole? 
Poster | Paper

Nikodem  Poplawski  
Chris Haynes

Nicole Richard

Metal detector vs. thermographic imaging in the search of shell casings 

Peter Massey

Stephanie Rosbach

Identification and Description of “Square Objects” from Bear Gulch Limestone 

Carmela Cuomo

Robert Rousseau

Patient Perceptions of an Adult Sickle Cell Program

Dr. John Roberts

Jack Rothstein

Building and Validating a Rotational Viscometer
Poster | Paper

Maria-Isabel Carnasciali

Katelyn Sahagian

Who Wrote What? Discovering the Writers of The Young Idea
Poster | Paper

Mary Isbell

Anthony Saitta

Touch DNA recovery from fired and unified shotgun shells 
Poster | Paper

Peter Valentin

Tyler Schlagetter

The interpretation of body fluid mixtures using Raman Spectroscopy in forensic investigations 
Poster | Paper

Claire Glynn

Navjot Singh

The Effectiveness of Advertising in Positioning a Politician 
Poster | Paper

Brian Marks

Briana Smith

Applicability of Isoelectric Focusing in Wildlife Forensics
Poster | Paper

R. Christopher O’Brien

Antonietta Sollazzo

The Relationship between Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Academic Self-Efficacy, Academic Motivation, and Performance in Veteran College Students
Poster | Paper

Melissa Whitson

Jonathan Spiegel

Promoting Innovation & Entrepreneurship 
Poster | Paper

Judi Randi 
Maria-Isabel Carnasciali

Angela Tharp

A Critical and Creative Discourse Regarding the Gender Spectrum Theory
Poster | Paper

Randall Horton

Torres Pagan Bronte

Using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual – 5th Edition to Identify Prevalence Rates of Psychiatric Disorders in a National Sample of US Adolescents 
Poster | Paper

Kendell Coker

Yinle Wu

A Computational Model Study of Fire Accident and Evacuation Plan in Buckman Hall @ UNH 

Jing Li

Kayla Wyant

Using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual – 5th Edition to Identify Prevalence Rates of Psychiatric Disorders in a National Sample of US Adolescents 
Poster | Paper

Kendell Coker

Yilan Zhu

Matlab Simulation Model on Chaotic Asynchronous Transmitter and Receiver
Poster | Paper

Andrew Fish

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